There is now a mailing list available. This list is for South West Amiga Group members and those who are thinking of joining only. This is because the list is run off the PC (there was nothing available that I was able to set up on the Amiga :-(,) and will mean that I will have to spend unnecessary time online. The only two rules for the mailing list are;
To subscribe, e-mail listserv@wharne.demon.co.uk with subscribe as the subject. Or click here and the press `send' button if your browser supports the "mailto:" protocol. If you have a binary or large file of some description, please do not send it to the list. Contact me first at swag@wharne.u-net.com as I can make it available by other means. Any comments about SWAG or life in general? If you have them, send them to me, Andy Mills at swag@wharne.u-net.com |